Spirit at Work: Spirituality in the Workplace

25 Jan 2025 : Aurelio and friends share their experiences and insights in integrating spirituality in the workplace, or the Karma Yoga in the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, founders of Auroville, the City of Dawn, of which SVARAM is an integral part of.

Here’s a snippet from the Mother and Sri Aurobindo in the Agenda of 2 May 1956. It is best to carefully read it all as it is most appropriate in understanding the intensity of happenings and circumstances in this ever-unfolding Great Churning, as True Guidance of Divine Knowledge from the Avatar themselves as Divine Fuel and Fire for full effectivity of the Divine Works:

“Sri Aurobindo says that the union has a threefold character: first, the liberation from the Ignorance and identification with the Real and Eternal….

This is the Yoga of Knowledge.

Then the dwelling of the soul with or in the Divine….

That is the aim of the Yoga of Love.

Then, identity of nature, likeness to the Divine: “to be perfect as That is perfect.”

Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis of Yoga, SABCL, Vol. 20, p. 122

That is to say, not only is there union in the depths, but there is also union outwardly, in the activities. There is union in knowledge, union in love and union in works. To put it otherwise: the Yoga of Knowledge, the Yoga of Love and devotion, and the Yoga of Works. These are the three modes of approach he speaks about.”


All That is the integrated Jnana-Bhakti-Karma Yogas of the Integral Yoga that is exactly the basis of our collective integrated Core Ideal Vision-Goals of Auroville:

  • A Dream
  • The Auroville Charter
  • To Be a True Aurovilian

We ALL continue on as One Unfolding Movement, complementing each unique other however one perceives and ACTS in it in this Great Karmic Play of Light and Dark, Divine and Undivine, in these transitional contradictory stages of the Great Sifting, until the Divine Manifestation of the new apex species the Supramental being…

The blossoming of the Life Divine on Earth.


Zech Joya